Welcome to Daphnes story. This is a family legacy based on The Sharebear Legacy, found on Carl's Sims 4 Forums. I am not going for any hall of fame honors, so I will be using mods, and I do use custom content. I will try to list my CC /mods when I can.
I don't play everyday, but I am trying to get back into playing my game more, so I will update as much as I can. I am trying to use my blog for my stories, because it is easier to update and I have a little more freedom with my pictures.
I will have seperate posts that will be updated for certain information:
1). Meet the Sharebears
2). Setup Notes/ CC/Mods
3). Legacy Stats
4). Family Tree
Maybe not in that general order.
I welcome comments. I look forward to hearing from you and getting back to my sims.
Hi Shannon, Dek from Carl's here. Looking good so far.